Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Project Libraria (利拔維亞圖書館)

雜碎人物 (Undefined characters)

Each of these 3-lady group are combined team of a close melee, a ranger and a wizard.

莉芭.天秤 (Libra the Sorcerer concept)

龍墓島 (Dragon Tomb)

A path accessing Dragon Tomb would be available during tide fall.

The lizard encampment, guarding the only path to Dragon Tomb. 

 寵物-戰鬥雞 (Pet cum ride, Chicken warrior)

雅莉絲.白羊 (Aries the Ranger concept)

 始祖龍 (Archaeodrakon)

Monday, January 9, 2012

=聖女= cut scenes from project

此為本人作<<聖女>> ﹐最後成品為動畫是也﹐以下圖片均是動畫截圖﹐描術一個關於聖女的故事。

The following few posts of images and scenery are from my animation project - "The witch". The story happened in the period between classical age to medieval time, in a non realistic world, whereby there s a sacred personnel called the witch/virgin... She is to serve the temple and the community for all religious matters...to listen to and serve the god and the people mentally and sexually....as they belief in sexual intercourse( they call it the ceremony) is the way to reach the god.

This always formed a wild contradiction between her respecting, mighty position in the religion against her job in prostitution. She is both hated (by women and wives) and admired (by men). Yet, generation by generation of witches were produced through the god speech, namely, the fathers' choice, mostly the most desirable woman in the community. Many witches would commit suicide or ran away in their early age or be banished by the community if they turned pregnant (as they were considered the saint and the virgin who wont give birth. only contaminated being would get pregnant.. it happens if they failed to drink the "holy water" as instructed before the ceremony) , hence, another young beautiful victim would be quickly picked for replacement... and the temple was always lived such being.


=聖女= sequence n storyboard

舊作 Some old works


Old work

program used: Rhino, Alias,  PremierePro